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The Uni Alumni Association (a 501(c)(3) non-profit) was formed to help alums connect and strengthen friendships, and to support Uni in improving and sustaining the school. To learn more about the mission, organization, and guiding principles of the Uni Alumni Association, please review the bylaws or contact us with questions.  You can also browse the latest Uni Alumni Association Board meeting minutes here.  Finally, you can see our founding board members here and the current board members here.


Why should I become a member?

If you’re reading this, you’re one of the lucky few people who have experienced a Uni education. Our mission is to extend that experience: For ourselves, by connecting with each other; and for future generations, by supporting Uni. Joining the Uni High Alumni Association will give you access to our alumni directory, worldwide events, newsletters, mentorship program, and opportunities to influence the future of Uni.

Is it really free?

Yes! We don’t want your money. If you have money to give, we want it to go straight to the school.

Are you going to send me e-mails?

We know e-mail is the best way to connect with each other, learn about our events, and make your voice heard. However, we promise that our e-mails will give you the option to opt-out of all future e-mails and that our e-mails won’t be too frequent – because Uni taught us to do things the right way.

I already paid for membership – this is not fair!

OK, technically, that’s not a question. But it deserves an answer. First of all, thank you for your support, we're grateful for all of our sustaining members who helped to launch and grow the UHAA in its infancy. For an alumni network, we believe that bigger is better – the more members we have, the better we can connect with each other and support the school. So we’ve decided to make membership free to encourage more people to join, including young alums in college, and keep your generous donations going directly to Uni High.